TaiYi Ecological Leisure Farm
TaiYi Ecological Leisure Farm
Tai-Yi Ecological Leisure Farm situated in Puli, Nantou, centre of Taiwan. Surrounding by Sun Moon Lake and He Huan Mountain; with the 13.2 hectares of garden land.


Tai-Yi Ecological Leisure Farm situated in Puli, Nantou, centre of Taiwan. Surrounding by Sun Moon Lake and He Huan Mountain; with the 13.2 hectares of garden land. Provide total of 104 unit 4 star guest rooms such as farmstay , homestay and resort hotel. The Theme park garden area including Flora Temple,Rainforest museum,and Green land plaza,Visitors may feel in four season flower world taste flora meal,wine and hotspring. Attach with3D green glass house visitor able to experience pick fresh vegetable and fruits in difference seasons.

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Flower’s Hand-roll

By using seasonal flower and seaweed to provide you an organic, healthy and detoxificate hand-roll.


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No.1 No.176 Jhungshan Rd.1st Section, Puli Township, Nantou County


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