M&G Family Leisure Farm
M&G Family Leisure Farm

M&G Family Leisure Farm is a new concealed place in Mt. Yang-Ming where you may bath in phytoncide and feel the natural atmosphere. The natural ecological field guides everyone to experience the life of a food farmer in hope that the goal of “Comprehensive friendliness to environment of spirit, body, and the earth” can be achieved.


M&G Family Leisure Farm is a new concealed place in Mt. Yang-Ming where you may bath in phytoncide and feel the natural atmosphere. The natural ecological field guides everyone to experience the life of a food farmer in hope that the goal of “Comprehensive friendliness to environment of spirit, body, and the earth” can be achieved. M&G’s vegetarian potherb hot pot plus exclusively innovative appetizers and fruit-and-veg dressings have gained constant praises from epicures. In the farm, you may look at Taipei Basin from a distance. The footpath within is afforested by plum blossoms, purple vines, bee plants, vanillas, tortoise-shell bamboos, oriental cherries, weeping cherries, fruits, and vegetables as a courtesy to the earth.
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Curry Set

Curry set is one of the muslim friendly meal in the farm, it produce by self-planted vegetable and fruit, dip with the special sauce, it’s tasty and healthy.


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No. 99, Ln. 43, Pingjing St., Pingdeng Vil., Shilin Dist., Taipei City


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