Long Yun Leisure Farm
Long Yun Leisure Farm
Longyun Leisure Farm is surrounded by forest trees and mists and clouds. This beautiful farm is a great place for spending your summer vacation.


Longyun Leisure Farm is surrounded by forest trees and mists and clouds. This beautiful farm is a great place for spending your summer vacation. Stroll along its forest trails to appreciate nature’s beauty and immerse in pythoncidere and ionizers which are good for your health. Farm-grown organic vegetables, which exude the taste of happiness, are served. The farm at night is full of surprises. Stay on to explore the nature by then!
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Long Yun muslim-farm-15

Spiced chicken with chili

Insist using free range chicken, as the chicken thigh is juicy and topped with onion, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, pepper brew a unforgettable taste.


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No.1 ShiJhuao, Jhunghe Village, Jhuchi Township, Chiayi County.


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