Lin Wang Tea Farm
Lin Wang Tea Farm
On the flat and straight hillside located by the side of the foot of Luyeh Hill, Lin Wang Tea Farm has planted a great variety of fragrant and natural oolong tea tree species within the extent.


On the flat and straight hillside located by the side of the foot of Luyeh Hill, Lin Wang Tea Farm has planted a great variety of fragrant and natural oolong tea tree species within the extent. The site practices only certified organic, artificial weeding and air culture to produce organic tea and non-poisonous featured black oolong tea. From the registration of traceability to the refined brand packaging of fresh tea leaves, the consistent production process is carried out to reach the set standard of safety and health, stable and reliable quality of Taiwanese fine tea.
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Lin Wang Taitung Oolong Tea

NTD 700(75g/bag)
NTD 1400 (150g/bag)
It is a type of oolong tea with local characteristics elaborately developed by Taitung Tea Research and Extension Station. Lin Wang Taitung Oolong Tea, whose globular outward appearance is shiny and black with vermilion orange lustrous, bright and clear soup color, is a new specialty tea of sweet, smooth, and pleasant flavor suitable for brewing with both hot and cold water.


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No.55, S. 2nd Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County 955, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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