Jiaxian Farmer's Association
Jiaxian Farmer’s Association

Established in 1927, Jiaxian Farmer’s Association has been engaging mostly in assisting and promoting the production and marketing of camphor and taro during the earliest period.


Established in 1927, Jiaxian Farmer’s Association has been engaging mostly in assisting and promoting the production and marketing of camphor and taro during the earliest period, which accordingly establishes the great reputation of Jiaxian’s taro-related products. The unite has been conducting export sales of bamboo shoots to Japan for 11 years since 1981, which successfully increases the gains of bamboo farmers while wins over earnings in foreign exchange. The Japanese apricot processing plant built in the year of 2008 is an attempt of raising the income of plum farmers based on the practice of farm and factory cooperation and the purchase at guaranteed price. Meanwhile, it is expected that consumers’ food safety can be assured by consuming certified, organic plum products. In May 2011, the bureau is renamed “Kaohsiung City Jiaxian Farmer’s Association”.
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Chu Yun 40x Highly Concentrate Organic Mei-Gin

NTD 800(60g/box)​
Made from the selective organic green plums that have been simmered for 72 hours, this healthy and regimen “Mei-Gin” is the most representative food product of our company. Researched and developed by making use of the diverse savors of green plums at different maturity levels, “Happy Kitchen Sauce Collection” is an item of exceptional taste that makes cooking easier and simpler. It is an essential sauce that you must have in your kitchen.


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No.26, Zhongzheng Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City 847, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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