Grand Blossom Grange
Grand Blossom Grange

Organic concept has become a worldwide tendency.


Organic concept has become a worldwide tendency.Taiwan has always been a nation which takes agriculture as country’s base since ancient times, and the accumulation of research energy which has been invested by all sectors of the community including government, industry, university, and institute for a long time is actually the best foundation that can push Taiwan forward to the fulfillment of quality agriculture. In order to link up with the world, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., has decided to proactively implement multiple policies of agricultural innovation, to create quality agriculture and build up a healthy, non-toxic island by pulling out all the stops.

◎Farm Cultivation Management Method: Instead of utilizing fertilizers and biological control materials, Grand Blossom Grange adopts the technique of natural farming to culture edible roses, to provide nutrients and foster vigor and capability of pest resistance of the roses by relying on land’s self-sufficiency. The ultimate purpose is to realize the establishment of natural ecological environment and sustainable land cultivation.

◎Processing Concept of Major Products: To continue the spirit of natural farming that none chemical additives shall be added during the entire manufacturing process for keeping the natural ingredients of the roses to the greatest extent.

◎Industrial Responsibility: To develop an industry which fulfill non-pollution idea from production, processing to consumers and land.

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Rose Hydrolat

NTD 780
Originating from Grand Blossom Grange, the firm which specializes in planting edible roses in southern Taiwan, Rose Hydrolat is made from fresh roses picked on the day by means of ancient distillation and extraction method. The item involves neither chemical ingredients nor preservative and grain alcohol that it is suitable for drinking or facial skin care. Containing high-volume rose essential oil, polyphenol and flavonoid whose ingredients can improve skin hydration and suppress the generation of tyrosinase, Rose Hydrolat is a sacred product for maintaining beauty and healthy skin.


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No.15, Sec. 1, Jiuru Rd., Jiuru Township, Pingtung County 904, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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