Flying Cow Ranch
Flying Cow Ranch
The Flying Cow Ranch is divided into six thematic zones. There are four types of cuisine and two kinds of accommodation to choose from. This is family visitors’ favorite vacation site and companies’ best conference place.


The Flying Cow Ranch is divided into six thematic zones. There are four types of cuisine and two kinds of accommodation to choose from. This is family visitors’ favorite vacation site and companies’ best conference place. The ranch offers a variety of DIY sessions and an “animal zone” for kids. Children are free to milk the cows, feed calves, or watch ducks walk like paraders. Farm-made dairy products like milk candies, ice cream and pudding, as well as a thousand kinds of souvenirs, are available for purchase in the shopping area. Remember to bring some gifts home!

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Fresh Milk Hotpot

Flying Cow Ranch produce tons of fresh milk everyday in the farm, you must try the freshy milk hotpot with self-plant organic vegetable! Fresh vegetable makes the milk taste richer! I’m sure you’ll fall in love with it!


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166, Nanho Village, Tongsiao, Miaoli County


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